Suzanna Paul
Best Buddies puts up the first of many trees.
The annual tree decorating competition is one of the most beloved competitions for Mooresville High School clubs. All clubs , who have a sponsor, are all invited to decorate and compete for the best festive tree. Best Buddies started off this beautiful tradition this year last Friday right after school with Best Buddies tree going up first. With many more clubs come to follow. Along with the joy of decorating seasonal trees, there is also an opportunity to donate to the Best Buddies funds. There are no plug-ins allowed, so this allows more creativity to flow with the creation of the trees. The winner of the competition gets a prize.With Best Buddies recently selling shirts and their monthly activities, fundraisers like this can aid the financial problems that some students may fall into. The fee to join the competition is just $10.
Mooresville Best Buddies Advisor Melissa Bell created this idea with the trees just three years ago. Bell thought this up to create a more festive environment for the school and to overall brighten up the school. The hope is that by the end of the competition the whole glass hallway will be filled.
“May the best tree win,” Bell said.
Best Buddies is a student-led organization. The President at Mooresville is Jill Ramsey. She has been in this club for four years now and thoroughly enjoys the tree decorating. Overall Ramsey believes that this competition helps in a well-rounded way.
“This allows Best Buddies to fundraise along with decorating the halls with trees and also helps to promote Best Buddies,” Ramsey said.
Junior Jaelyn Likens has been a member since her Freshman year of high school and overall has had a great experience with it.
“[My] favorite part is hanging out,” Likens said.
Key Club advisor Alicia Richhart is quite excited for the tree decorating this year. Key club is a volunteer based club that helps to create fun activities to help others in the community. She plans to have a tree for her club this year and if that ends up falling through she still plans to definitely get donations from her club to assist Best Buddies.
“[The tree decorating] is a smart way to raise money for Best Buddies,” Richhart said.