Brynlee Gilliam
This photo shows Dylan Chestnut getting his award, Brooke Wilson handing him the paper and President Rachel Harshman.
Mooresville High School’s National Honors Society team met at 7:30 on December 1st to discuss more meetings and to give awards. Students in NHS come together to do community service around Mooresville to get their hours in to graduate with NHS awards. They just inducted a lot of new members, and today was their first meeting together. Other services NHS does are tutoring, volunteering at a food pantry and volunteering at a church.
Senior Dylan Chestnut got an award for completing his 20-hour service with community service.
“I got this after I completed my 20 hours and I can graduate with Mooresville stuff saying I completed all of the requirements. We meet once a month and talk about church projects and how to help the community. I am happy now that I do not have to stress out that I would not have my hours down,” Chestnut said.
Senior Brooke Wilson is the treasurer of NHS.
“I am the officer of NHS treasurer and I also help the president because me and her are best friends. I help her set up meetings and arrange events with her. To become the treasurer I had to go through the interviewing process, but the funny thing is that I did not want to be a treasurer, but they made me one anyway,” Wilson said.
French teacher Jenifer Butler is the adviser of NHS.
“I keep track of the hours and work with them to plan everything. I find events that we can attend and the information about the events. I love working with the kids here, they are so fun to work with,” Butler said.