Cash Kidwell
The schedule that was sent out by MHS Administration.
As MHS quickly approaches the beginning of winter break, that also means that finals exams for the first semester are almost here. The schedule for these exams can be confusing for freshmen or really anyone. Here is a little break down to make the schedule a little less perplexing.
On the first day of testing, Monday, Dec. 18, students will attend their first through sixth period in shortened periods. These decreased time intervals are to leave room for a 35 minute review period and the seventh period test which is an hour and 10 minutes long.
On Tuesday, Dec. 19, students will only attend their second, fourth and sixth periods. Before each exam there is a 45 minute review period for last minute study sessions or for teachers to go over topics one last time. After each review period the students will then take the test for each class and there is 70 minutes allotted for taking it.
On the last day of testing, Dec. 20, the exams follow the same format with th 45 minute review and the 70 minute testing period. The only difference between the days is that on Wednesday students will go to their first, third, and fifth periods.
The most confusing part of the schedule is the lunch periods. Students lunch periods are based on their seventh period on Monday, their sixth period on Tuesday, and their fifth period on Wednesday. On Tuesday and Wednesday students will go to their class before going to lunch, but don’t have to on Monday.