The completed put-put boards. Submitted by Alicia Richhart
The Mooresville Key Club and Miller’s Merry Manor have always had a well developed relationship. Key Club hosts many events there from Bingo to pumpkin painting and the residents are always excited when they get to do these things with club members.
Last October, Key Club members were inspired to create something a little bit bigger for the nursing home. The club hosted a mini golf night with the residents where they rented put-put boards and played with them. The residents loved this and seeing the joy it brought to them, club members came up with an idea to create put-put boards to be donated to Millers.
Key Club Adviser Alicia Richhart thought this was a great idea and brought in her Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy to make this project come to life. The Leadership Academy is a smaller group of Key Club members that Richhart entrusts to plan events and take on more responsibilities. Members of this group took to the community to gather the supplies they needed for this task and were met with generous donations to help their cause. Dicks Sporting Goods was the first to donate and gave the club mini golf clubs and balls that they could give to the nursing home. Then the Lowe’s in Mooresville was persuaded by members of the leadership academy to help out as well. They provided all the wood and other supplies needed to actually construct the boards.
“I thought the idea the kids came up with was a great one and I let them come up with a plan and execute it with just a little guidance from me,” Richhart said.
With all of the supplies gathered the Leadership Academy set to work on constructing the boards. Construction Teacher Kevin Bradshaw generously allowed the club to use his shop classroom and any tools needed to build the boards.
Members of the Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy participated in constructing the boards using wood, fake grass, PVC, and all the tools Bradshaw allowed them to use. The students built from three p.m. to around nine p.m.. The process was long but the club members said that it was worth it.
The boards were supposed to be delivered in December but due to weather they were dropped off this week on Wednesday, January 15. They were not able to use the boards when delivering them but are eager to get the chance. When the boards were dropped off the staff were extremely grateful for the donation and knew the residents would love it.