A young student picks up a beaker full of vinegar and shows it to a crowd of on-lookers with an exaggerated flourish. They dump the contents of the beaker into a carefully constructed paper mache volcano replica and quickly jump back. The mixture inside the volcano begins to fizzle and after a second it bubbles over the sides which excites a cheer out of the audience the student has gathered.
This is a classic example of an experiment you’d see at a science fair, and this might be seen at Mooresville High School’s inaugural science that was just announced. This science fair was dreamed up by the MHS Science Club and hopes to be a repeated event if this year is a success.
The theme for the upcoming science fair will be “Science in the Everyday World” and students have creative liberty to create a project they see that fits this topic. The science club provided this website for examples of project ideas. The club gave loose guidelines on how to create the projects, but recommend using a tri-fold for information on their topics. Alternative formatting options can be brought up to club members if need be.
The science fair will be held the week after spring break with a panel of unbiased judges that the science club chooses. Projects will be graded on presentation, the scientific method, and uniqueness. The winners of the fair will receive a gift card for their efforts as well as a symbolic ribbon for their place.
View the full details here, as well as the google form to sign up.