Katherine Arauz
Mrs. Goddard is an essential to the VLC. She helps students with checking out books, helps with technical difficulties, and lets students study in their free time in the VLC. "I think we have a really good administration, facility, and student body. I love the spirit and energy, it's a really fun place to work," Goddard said.
Mooreville High School is a very large building with many departments. Certain departments highlight subjects students want to take pride in. Of those departments, the VLC, gives a safe haven for kids to go to get tech help, make paper copies, check out books, or just sit and study.
VLC is an abbreviated version for Virtual Learning Center. It’s used for a study hall, school projects, after school clubs, and assistance with technology. For some students who struggle with learning the English language, they offer help with school work and other comprehensive things needed to pass. It is a great place to check out books as well as a library. The atmosphere is quiet and tame, making it a peaceful place to study and get some work done. They have a very wide variety of books to choose from. All in all, one can come to the library to research and find many resources for certain topics.
They have printers available for students to use whenever needed. All one has to do is print it off from their chromebook and then head to the VLC to print it off with their given username and password. They offer more than just a printer, they have certain techs who come in to help assist students and teachers with their troubles. They sometimes have study groups who sit in there or have interventions for those who need it. Students may go there to take tests as well, since the location is so quiet and there’s a lot of space. Mrs. Goddard is the main librarian in charge and is also in charge of helping people with their Plato classes. When walking in there, she’s the one to ask questions about where to find something.
A majority of classes have textbooks available online. If a kid forgets their book or chromebook, they can come on down to the VLC and use the many laptops they have accessible. Students included in the Area 31 Program can hang out and study there in their freetime in between classes and freetime. Before and after school, Seniors who have no ride or bus available to them can stay there if needed with teacher’s permission. What’s great about the VLC is that teachers can go there to get posters made or laminated with the help of Mrs. Goddard.
This is an overall great place for resources whether that be for the teachers or students. Books, computers, and a great deal of space are offered here. Students and faculty members are advised to use the room for their specific needs.