One craze that seems to be everywhere this year is energy drinks, and with such a large variety of brands it’s hard to miss them. Some of the more well known brands are Redbull, Monster, Ghost, and Alani.
Each of these drinks are packed full of natural caffeine, which is what makes them so enticing to students. Most students have busy schedules with school, work, sports, and other extracurriculars and all this work makes them feel drained or exhausted. With that a nice boost of energy can do a student good for the school day in order to stay alert for all their classes.
Although energy drinks can be a good jump start to get students through the day, there is ongoing research to find out any health concerns that may come with consuming them. The information from a lot of these seems contradictory to others. For instance, some studies will find that energy drinks do give consumers a boost of energy but others show that they can have detrimental affects on the consumers health. Some of these alleged risks are cardiovascular health, psychological affects, and dental erosion.
The extent of these health risks is not known because energy drinks are still a relatively new product and their market is constantly evolving. With this, most students are not deterred by the concerns because to them the benefits outweigh the risks.
Sophomore Jaelynn Lucas is an avid consumer of Celsius energy drinks.
“I drink them because they taste good and keep me energized through the day,” Lucas said.
Taste certainly is a factor in why many students enjoy energy drinks so much. They are full of sugars and sweeteners that make them more appealing to younger crowds. However, this is not the only reason for drinking these drinks.
“I usually get a Redbull before work and it helps me stay alert for my shift,” junior Cadence Byrnes said.