With this school year starting, there are many new clubs taking place. This is a great way for students to express themselves and get involved. Ranging from pickle ball club to game club and everything in between.
There are all sorts of people who participate in clubs. Game clubs, educational clubs, and sports clubs, earth clubs and so many more. Most clubs take place after school and a lot of the time, the host of the club will bring snacks.
English Sharon Eickhoff is the sponsor of game club.
“This club started out as Chess Club, but some kids wanted to play other games so this year I decided to just call it game club. Sometimes people bring in new games for us to try as well. Anyone is allowed to come to game club, but they must be willing to lose gracefully and be respectful to others. I also provide snacks. It is a nice relaxing way to enjoy board games,” Eickhoff said.
Some students are a little shy and don’t want to play sports, but they want to participate. Clubs help students to get out of their comfort zone and allow them to meet new people.
Best Buddies is another club that students can join. This club is a very inclusive and welcoming place. Ella Davis is the person in charge of the Best Buddies social media and has been involved with Best Buddies since freshman year.
“My favorite thing about Best Buddies is getting to watch friendships develop throughout the year and witness moments of inclusion. I think that everyone should consider joining this club because learning more about and experiencing inclusion, can change your life. It helps you join in on the school spirit,” senior Ella Davis said.
Earth Club is another club that is very popular around school.
Senior Addilyn Breedlove participates in Earth Club.
“This club is so special because we care about the environment and we want to help take care of it. This year it will be different because we have new sponsors so it will be a bit different from last year,” Breedlove said.
The best way to learn about when and where clubs are taking place is by listening to announcements and following up through Pioneer T.V..