With the SAT coming up on March 5th, all English classes and math classes are in preparation for the SAT. Every year, on the SAT testing day, the Freshman and Sophomores have an asynchronous E-learning day, but if students are failing a class, they will have to go back to the school and do missing work for that class until the day is done.
Not all teachers give the SAT though. Some teachers help students that are not doing so well in class, and other teachers give the SAT, and some teachers monitor the halls.
“On the day of the SAT, I am actually in my room coaching the freshmen who are failing. However, it is time to start preparing them for the PSAT and SAT. We will be spending every Friday during the 4th quarter working on the English standards that are needed for those tests. This year we are actually going to utilize the book, Digital SAT Playbook, for practice in getting a good feel for how questions are worded and what they look like,” English teacher Kelly Patel said.
To prepare for the math part of the SAT, math teachers are looking back at previous questions on the SAT and teaching it day by day to help the students in preparation for the SAT. Teachers also give students tips and tricks that will help them both use the tricks on the test, and make them easy to remember.
“In my everyday learning, I go slowly step by step through each lesson ensuring that kids are getting the concept of what I’m teaching them each day. Some ways I implement practice for the SAT is helping the kids with tips and tricks that are easy to remember so that it can help them on the SAT. I also make sure that the kids are mentally prepared by doing some games on review days before tests so that they have a fun way of learning the concept through something fun,” math teacher Dr. Brown said.
Students prepare for the SAT in many different ways. Some students study and other students go into the SAT and just wing it. On average, more people that get better sleep and study more for the SAT typically get a higher score on the SAT. To be able to get scholarship money from the SAT, a student must score higher than a 1,300 on the SAT to be able to earn any money, but to get a full ride scholarship you also need to score at least 1,300 as well.
“One way I prepare for the SAT is going through old notes that I took in both my math and English classes. I also have a little SAT book with lots of known SAT problems to help me prepare for it,” junior Kendrick Law said.