Mooresville High School is academically invested in all the student work. From simplicit things like tests, exams, and scheduling to offering extra help and aid to those who want to achieve more. So what exactly do these officials in the office do on a day to day basis?
Certain things come into play when organizing a role that best suits a student’s life. Formally, people in the office such as Mr. Love, Mrs. Owens and Mrs. Witty help to assemble a great learning environment. It often starts with teamwork and sometimes they are assigned different tasks than what was expected. It depends greatly on the student’s needs. For example, if a student has an issue or concern they will report to the head office for acknowledgement and they will help to construct a better solution to handle the situation. They also talk to teachers about concerns they have on students relating to behavior or their progress. In hopes of bringing down barriers, they hope to build ongoing connections with students using trust as a key component to resolving issues and moving forward in the grand scheme of their problems. Whether it be disciplinary concerns, behavior, need of support, or struggles with things outside of school, they are there to help students overcome those obstacles.
Mr. Love works with custodians on things that need to be fixed in the building. He primarily works with Freshmen all the way up to Juniors. Mrs. Owens does a lot of things like getting people signed up for their AP and Dual classes. She works mainly with seniors to get them on the right paths to success. Mrs. Witty works a lot with people who have attendance issues, or troubles getting to school. Sometimes they go and observe a teacher to get an idea of what’s going on in that classroom. They help to aid students in academic, social and emotional struggles, peer relationships and adult relationships. To the students who continue to build bonds with the admin, they can still talk to them one on one for support from their ultimate person. Sometimes a certain person may be out, but there is an opportunity to talk to another trusted adult, because they all work to do what’s best for the students. The word teamwork is used frequently, because all of the work is shared if not specifically given to one person. A wide range of things need to get done and it does not matter who’s specified task it is, it is a team effort. They strive to create the best environment for the kids, because that is their main priority.
In order to be a team, the group must openly discuss things going on either weekly or monthly. They have a specified person for each branch or subject that elects one person from each department to go up to the office. They have a number of areas that focus solely on the well being of students ranging from mental health to setting peoples schedules up and making sure they complete requirements from Freshman year to Senior year. For students, graduation isn’t the end, only the next step in becoming a successful scholar. They try to develop ways to open lines of communication with the staff as well. Monthly, they have building discussions where teachers can bring concerns from specific to more general ones up. Weekly meetings consist of a couple admin and counselors to lead a discussion on struggling students. They get advice on how to handle the situation from an academic perspective and a non-academic perspective. They discuss their concerns for goals being met or executed. Using great brainstorming skills, this group from the office comes up with many ways to help the students succeed.
From helping students achieve goals, disciplinary, and goal setting, the office admin at the High School specializes in helping in almost every way possible. They work very hard to dictate a better future for their students. In doing so, they take care of the building, teachers who are actually teaching in them, and many other things that go undiscovered to the teens who attend their school.