Earlier this month, Gray Brothers cafeteria announced they would be closing the cafeteria location in Mooresville and selling the property. Grays still has a lot of interest and demand on their home style food, and has plans to reopen outside the cafeteria format. They found that their To-Go location in Avon is getting a lot of positive responses.
“We feel it is time to move on from this location and look forward to the future of the Gray Brothers brand,”said Jason Gray on a news release posted to the cafeteria’s website.
Gray Brothers cafeteria posted on its Facebook page about them closing the cafeteria in Mooresville and moving it to a new location. Gray Brothers cafeteria has been a popular place for families to go and have a meal. The business is restructuring outside the cafeteria format.
Many students who go to Mooresville also work at Gray Brothers.
“I’m very sad that the cafeteria is closing. I really enjoyed working there because I grew close to a lot of the people that I worked with,” senior Lilly McNew said.
There are people who worked at the cafeteria, who grew extremely close to the Gray Brothers family. Some people, like senior Payton Davis, grew up going to the Gray Brothers cafeteria.
“I have worked there for four years, and both my parents have worked there for a long time. It is hard on all of us to see it go,” Davis said.